Let’s say that you represent The Great Health Wellness And Wealth Company! They provide you with a marketing website at www.GreatHealthWellnessAndWealth.com/46738, which is really difficult for prospects to remember. So what do you do?.
First you search for an available name with a similar slant to it, such as GreatHealthOnline.com. You register it for $12.95/year and sign up for our Forwarding Plus Email account for $14.95/year. Now you’ve spent $27.90 for a year’s service to be a professional!
You now login to your cPanel and set up your forwarding domain… so when someone types in GreatHealthOnline.com, they are taken to GreatHealthWellnessAndWealth.com/46738. Next, you set up an actual email account… not one that forwards, but one that matches the site, such as Susan@GreatHealthOnline.com.
When someone sees an email come through from Susan@GreatHealthOnline.com, they could be persuaded to check out GreatHealthOnline.com, which could not happen with a gmail address.
So why the extra domains? Maybe down the road, an even better domain becomes available, but you’ve already given out information to your original web address… so you keep it and just add a domain that will take them to your site as well.
And the sub-domains? Well, maybe Susan is working with her husband Herb. So they get an joint business account to use with the main site. Then she gets an account and uses Susan.GreatHealthOnline.com and he uses Herb.GreatHealthOnline.com!
Also Great for Real Estate Agents
This would work for Real Estate Agents as well… especially if you ever switch companies. Just setup your domain to forward to your company’s website, and use that website address on your business cards. If at any point in time you decide to go with another company, you simply adjust the forwarding links to your new employer’s website and you are set to go. And your old customers will always be able to keep up with you because your old business cards will still forward them to your present company.
Just think about it. Then click the “Get Started” button!